Domestic Delivery Information
What delivery options do I have?
Currently, we offer free standard delivery on all orders within Australia.
When will my order be delivered?
All orders ship in 2-4 business days.
Once your order has shipped, you will receive a delivery confirmation email with tracking information.
Estimated Transit Times
Business Days | Location |
1-6 | New South Wales |
2-6 | Australian Capital Territory |
2-7 | Victoria |
2-8 | Queensland and South Australia |
3-11 | Tasmania |
4-15 | Western Australia and Northern Territory |
We recommend monitoring your tracking number(s) for real-time delivery updates since delivery times may change due to unforeseen challenges.
What are my delivery charges?
Delivery is free.
Delivery to PO Boxes
We currently are unable to deliver to PO boxes. Please supply a physical mailing address when filling out your delivery information.
Can I delay my shipment to a certain date?
We do not offer a delayed delivery option at this time.
My package was damaged or lost during shipment?
- If you have not received your package after the estimated delivery date, please contact us. If there is a tracking number that shows the package in transit, but not moving after a certain date, we will follow up with our delivery partners and will provide you with an update within 24 business hours.
- If your tracking number shows that your package was delivered, but you did not receive it, please contact us. If your order contained more than one box, we will need to get the tracking numbers of the boxes that were received. We will work with our delivery partners and get back to you with a solution within 24 business hours.
An item is missing from my shipment.
Click the My Account/Order Status link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If your order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of "delivered", please contact Customer Service for assistance.
My product is missing parts.
Click the My Account/Order Status link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If your order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of "delivered", please contact Customer Service for assistance.
My order never arrived.
Click the My Account/Order Status link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If your order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of "delivered", please contact Customer Service for assistance.
I received the wrong product.
If you feel that you have received the wrong product, please contact Customer Service within 72 hours of receiving the product.